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Alumni FAQ

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Eligibility for Re-employment

Generally, a former employee is considered Eligible for Rehire for positions at Lumen. There are instances however, when a former employee should not be considered for certain positions, or should not be considered for any position. For example, an employee is not eligible for rehire if he/she violated the Code of Conduct, regardless of whether he/she was involuntarily terminated as a result or resigned during an investigation associated with a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Hiring managers have the primary responsibility for determining a former employees rehire eligibility by:

  • obtaining references from the applicant’s previous Lumen supervisors
  • reviewing any available work records and information regarding the former employee, as provided by previous management and HR
  • reviewing guidance provided in the Managers Toolkit, found on HRconnect

Former employees who have voluntarily taken a distribution from the pension or 401(k) plans will not be eligible to be considered for reemployment for six months following their last day worked.