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Alumni FAQ

Help and FAQs


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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the Lumen Alumni Network?

The Lumen Alumni Network is a social platform that provides a place to re-connect with former co-workers, stay current on Company news, and explore opportunities.

Q. Who is eligible to join the Lumen  Alumni Network?

Any U.S. based employee, formerly employed by Lumen or a Lumen entity can join. 

Be on the look out for updates of when the platform will be available globally.

Q. How do I register and join the Lumen Alumni Network?

You can register and join by visiting https://alumni.Lumen.com and clicking on 'Join Today'.  

Q. How long does it take to be approved?

Most approvals should be completed within 3-5 business days, aside from those who may need a manual approval. 

Q. When I connect my account with LinkedIn, will you ever post content on my behalf?

A perk of the Lumen Alumni Network is the great content provided that you can post on your social, however we will never post on your behalf.

Q. How will I know if I have been approved?

You will receive a “welcome” email when you have been approved.

Q. I am approved - what now?  

Once you have received your "welcome" email, you can immediately take advantage of all the network has to offer by visiting https://alumni.Lumen.com

Q. Who can I speak to if I have a question regarding the Lumen Alumni Network?

You can contact our Alumni Relations Team alumni.relations@centurylink.com  with any questions